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Las Positas College

Course Modality Changes

Dear Faculty Members,

Over the semester, we have received many student complaints or been made aware of instructor-initiated modality changes to sections. These include online synchronous classes switched to online asynchronous, in-person classes switched to the online synchronous modality and switching back and forth between modalities over the semester. Section modality cannot change. The times listed for scheduled synchronous teaching must also be preserved. The number of courses offered in each modality is carefully considered. Sections are often selected by students based on modality. Moreover, our attendance accounting reporting to the State is tied to modality. Unauthorized switching of modality could result in penalties. Section modality must remain consistent with the advertised class schedule at all times.

Some instructors have also temporarily switched classes online because of a personal emergency or a non-debilitating or non-COVID-related illness. The commitment to instructional continuity is appreciated, but switching course modality for a day or week is not an option that can be supported. If you have a personal emergency or illness, sick leave is the directed course of action. A temporary remote work assignment must accompany a doctor's note approved by Human Resources.

If we are experiencing an acute community emergency, such as fires, catastrophic road closures, or other emergencies affecting a large swath of students or employee groups, the leadership team will determine if a temporary switch to remote instruction and services is warranted and provide directions about how that may be done within regulatory constraints. We will let you know this determination through campus communication systems and after careful consideration.